Friday, October 30, 2009


-Tourism in Italy-

The origin of the term Italia, from Latin :
Italia, is uncertain. According to one of the more common explanations, the term was borrowed through Greek from the Oscan Víteliú, meaning "land of young cattle" (cf. Lat vitulus "calf", Umb vitlo "calf"). The bull was a symbol of the southern Italian tribes and was often depicted goring the Roman wolf as a defiant symbol of free Italy during the Samnite Wars.

Milan Italy

Milan is divided into 9 distinct zones that radiate out from the Historical Center (Zona 1) to the periphery. They are identified numerically by the local council, but also have names, and each zone includes many different neighborhoods and quarters. Although every area is not listed here, each plays its own special role in the history of Milan; from the importantissimo historical center to the modern "dormitory quarters" of San Siro.

Genoa Italy
GENOA ( Genova in Italian) is "the most winding, incoherent of cities, the most entangled topographical ravel in the world." So said Henry James, and the city is still marvellously eclectic, full of pace and rough-edged style. Sprawled behind the huge port – Italy's largest and an increasingly popular stopoff for international cruise liners – is a dense and fascinating warren of medieval alleyways, a district which has more zest than all the coastal resorts put together.

Verona Italy

With its wealth of Roman sites and streets of pink-hued medieval buildings, the easy-going city of VERONA has more in the way of sights than any other place in the Veneto except Venice itself. Unlike Venice, though, it's not a city overwhelmed by the tourist industry, important though that is to the local economy. Verona is the largest city of the mainland Veneto, its economic success largely due to its position at the crossing of the major routes from Germany and Austria to central Italy and from the west to Venice and Trieste.

Milan Italy
Milan is divided into 9 distinct zones that radiate out from the Historical Center (Zona 1) to the periphery. They are identified numerically by the local council, but also have names, and each zone includes many different neighborhoods and quarters. Although every area is not listed here, each plays its own special role in the history of Milan; from the importantissimo historical center to the modern "dormitory quarters" of San Siro.

Naples, Italy
Naples is the kind of city that is laden with visitors' preconceptions, and it rarely disappoints: it is filthy, it is very large and overbearing, it is crime-infested, and it is most definitely like nowhere else in Italy – something the inhabitants will be keener than anyone to tell you. In all these things lies the city's charm. Perhaps the feeling that you're somewhere unique makes it possible to endure the noise and harassment, perhaps it's the feeling that in less than three hours you've travelled from an ordinary part of Europe to somewhere akin to an Arab bazaar.